Cutting Onions Without Crying

Cutting Onions Without Crying: Exploring the Myth and the Reality


Cutting onions without crying has been the elusive goal of home cooks and chefs alike for as long as we can remember. The mere thought of those pungent vapors wafting up to burn your eyes can send shivers down your spine. Over the years, countless hacks and remedies have surfaced in an attempt to conquer this culinary nemesis. In this comprehensive article, we will unravel the mystery of how to cut onions without crying. We'll explore the multitude of techniques that have been suggested, dissect their pros and cons, and ultimately reveal the groundbreaking solution - The Laughing Onion - currently in development.

The Battle Against Onion-Induced Tears

So Is It Possible to Cut Onions Without Crying?

Picture this: You're in your kitchen, ready to whip up a delicious meal. The recipe calls for onions, and you brace yourself for the inevitable stinging and tears. But what if there were a way to conquer the teary-eyed conundrum? Well, the quest to cut onions without crying has been a long and creative journey, often leading to inventive but mostly impractical solutions. We have tried many but not all of them. Some just don't make sense to even try.

The Onion-Cutting Methods

Let's start by examining a variety of techniques that have been suggested to cut onions without crying:

Method 1: The Chilled Onion

One common technique is to refrigerate or freeze the onion before cutting it. The idea is that the cold temperatures will slow down the release of the volatile compounds responsible for making you cry.


  • Easy to try, as most people have a refrigerator.
  • Minimal cost involved.


  • Inconvenient, as you have to plan ahead and wait for the onion to chill.
  • Doesn't work, especially with fresh onions that haven't been stored in the fridge or freezer for an extended period.
  • Chilling the onion too much, makes it more difficult to cut and can affect how the onion is cooked.

Method 2: The Underwater Slice

Another technique suggests cutting the onion underwater to prevent the volatile compounds from reaching your eyes and causing you to cry. You can do this by submerging the onion in a bowl of water or cutting it under a running tap.


  • Simple concept and easy to execute.
  • Reduces the exposure to onion vapors.


  • Can be impractical and potentially dangerous as it involves handling sharp objects in a wet environment.
  • May not completely eliminate tears.
  • You can lose your cut onions down the drain.

Method 3: The Bread in Mouth

This quirky hack recommends putting a piece of bread in your mouth while chopping onions. The idea is that the bread absorbs the airborne compounds that cause tears.


  • Easily accessible - you probably have bread in your kitchen.
  • No need for advanced preparation.


  • The effectiveness is dubious at best.
  • It might be an uncomfortable experience to have bread in your mouth while chopping.
  • Obscures your vision of the onion and chopping board
  • The end result is soggy bread and burning eyes.

Method 4: The Onion Goggles

Onion goggles are specially designed eyewear that claims to protect your eyes from the onion's fumes. They often come with a seal to prevent vapors from reaching your eyes.


  • Specially designed for the purpose.
  • Reusable and long-lasting.


  • Can be an additional expense. Some Onion Goggles can cost between $20-$30 like the RSVP Onion Goggles.
  • Not the most fashionable kitchen accessory.
  • Often does not provide a perfect seal, leaving some vapors to escape.

Method 5: The Candle in the Wind

This hack suggests lighting a candle near your chopping area, believing that it will draw the onion's fumes away from your eyes.


  • Romantic ambiance in the kitchen.
  • Easily available candles.


  • Dubious effectiveness as the physics of gas movement contradict this concept.
  • Fire hazards and potential accidents.

Method 6: The Freezer Trick

The freezer trick involves placing the onion in the freezer for a brief period before chopping it. The cold temperature is believed to slow down the release of the irritating compounds.


  • Requires minimal preparation.
  • May offer temporary relief for some individuals.


  • Not a guaranteed solution, as the gas may still escape once the onion thaws.
  • Inconvenient for those who need onions at room temperature for certain recipes.
  • It is impossible and dangerous to cut a frozen onion.

Method 7: The Hooded Strategy

This method involves working beneath a kitchen hood or near a strong fan. The idea is that the ventilation system will whisk away the onion's fumes, keeping them from reaching your eyes.


  • Improves air circulation in the kitchen.
  • Provides relief by reducing the concentration of onion fumes.


  • Not always effective, especially in kitchens without adequate ventilation.
  • May not completely prevent tearing for sensitive individuals.
  • The hood is located directly above the stove which makes it unsafe to cut onions so close to a hot surface or flame.

Method 8: The Lemon Soak

Some suggest soaking the onion in lemon juice before chopping it. The acidity of the lemon juice is thought to neutralize the sulfur compounds in the onion.


  • Natural and readily available ingredient.
  • May add a tangy flavor to the dish.


  • Limited effectiveness, as the lemon juice may not fully neutralize the onion's irritants. The outer layer of the onion does not contribute much to onions causing tears. The reaction happens once the knife penetrates the onion and crushes the cells within the onion.
  • May alter the flavor of dishes not intended to be citrusy.

Method 9: The Sunglass Shield

Wearing sunglasses while chopping onions is another creative approach. The glasses act as a physical barrier between your eyes and the onion vapors.


  • Sunglasses are a common accessory.
  • Provides a simple and low-cost solution.


  • Limited effectiveness, as vapors may still reach your eyes from the sides.
  • May not be comfortable for everyone, especially when worn indoors.
  • Your vision is obstructed and makes injuries more likely.

Method 10: The Mouth Breather

The mouth breather method involves breathing through your mouth while chopping onions. This technique aims to reduce the intake of irritants through your nose.


  • No need for additional items or preparation.
  • Quick and straightforward.


  • Limited effectiveness, as irritants will still reach your eyes.
  • Not comfortable for everyone, especially during extended cooking sessions.

Method 11: The Microwave Zap

In the microwave zap method, the onion is briefly microwaved before chopping. The idea is that microwaving breaks down the enzymes responsible for tearing.


  • Quick and requires minimal effort.
  • May offer temporary relief.


  • Ineffective, as microwaving does not break down the irritants.
  • Can alter the texture and flavor of the onion, which may not be desirable in certain recipes.

Method 12: The Hands-Free Approach

This method suggests using a food processor or chopper to cut onions without manually handling them. The goal is to reduce contact with the onion's juices and irritants.


  • No direct contact with the onion.
  • Quick and efficient for large quantities.


  • Not suitable for every recipe, especially those requiring specific onion textures.
  • The food processor needs to be cleaned afterward, which can be cumbersome.
  • If you are unaware, you can be struck with a cloud of super concentrated onion gas when you open up the lid.

Method 13: The Wet Paper Towel Onion

The wet paper towel onion method recommends placing a damp paper towel on the cutting board. The concept is that the wet paper towel absorbs the onion's irritating fumes.


  • Utilizes common household items, a paper towel, and water.
  • Doesn't require advanced preparation.


  • Inconsistent effectiveness, as it may offer some relief for certain individuals but not for everyone.
  • The wet paper towel can become messy and may not fully prevent tears.
  • Can make chopping more challenging, as wet paper towel remnants may cling to the onion.
  • It is wasteful and not environmentally friendly.

Method 14: The Onion Glasses

Onion glasses, similar to onion goggles, are designed to protect your eyes from onion vapors. They come with a seal to prevent irritants from reaching your eyes.


  • Specially designed for onion cutting.
  • Reusable and long-lasting.


  • Can be an additional expense.
  • Might not provide a perfect seal, leaving some vapors to escape.
  • Awkwerd to store glasses in the kitchen drawers as they can be prone to scratches and damage to the lenses.

Method 15: The Apple Slice

Some suggest placing a slice of apple on the cutting board next to the onion while chopping. The apple is believed to absorb the onion's tear-inducing gases.


  • Utilizes a common household item.
  • Can add a hint of sweetness to your dish.


  • Limited effectiveness, as the apple does not absorb enough gas to prevent tears.
  • May not be suitable for all types of dishes.
  • A waste of an apple if you don't eat it.

Method 16: The Hoodie and Pot Lid Hack

This TikTok hack has been making the round on social media. It entails wearing a hoodie with draw strings. Place a clear pot lid over the opening of the hoodie. Tighten the strings.


  • No purchase necessary.
  • Provides a simple physical barrier.


  • Your vision is obstructed.
  • The pot lid easily gets steamed up.
  • It gets hot very quickly even if you are fast at cutting onions. 
  • Discomfort is often experienced.

Method 17: The Vinegar Soak

Soaking the onion in vinegar before cutting it is another proposed method. The acidity of vinegar is thought to neutralize the sulfur compounds in the onion.


  • Natural and readily available ingredient.
  • Can add a tangy flavor to the dish.


  • Limited evidence of effectiveness.
  • May alter the flavor of dishes not intended to be tangy.

Method 18: The Onion Peeling Hack

This method suggests peeling the onion under running water. The idea is that the water will wash away the irritants as they are released.


  • Simple and straightforward.
  • Can be combined with other methods for added effectiveness.


  • Does not fully prevent tears, as some vapors can still escape.
  • Can be wasteful in terms of water usage.


The Laughing Onion: A Guaranteed Solution

As we've explored various onion-cutting hacks, including the paper towel method, it's crucial to recognize that many of these techniques, while creative, are inconsistent in their effectiveness. They may offer temporary relief for some individuals in specific situations but don't provide a reliable and guaranteed solution.

The Laughing Onion: A Revolutionary Breakthrough

The Laughing Onion is not just a clever name; it's a revolutionary product currently in development. This innovative solution is designed to prevent the onion's volatile compounds from reaching your face, eliminating the need for impractical or unverified hacks discussed earlier.

How Does the Laughing Onion Work?

The inner workings of the Laughing Onion are closely guarded, and its precise mechanism remains a well-kept secret. What we do know is that it is meticulously engineered to prevent the release of tear-inducing sulfur compounds during the chopping process. The Laughing Onion is poised to be the ultimate answer to the age-old problem of crying while cutting onions.

Join the Waiting List for the Laughing Onion

If you're ready to bid farewell to the futile attempts to cut onions without crying, the Laughing Onion is the solution you've been eagerly waiting for. Join the waiting list now to be among the first to experience the delight of tear-free onion chopping. Simply follow this link.


The quest for a tear-free onion-chopping experience has led to numerous inventive hacks and techniques, including the classic paper towel method. While these methods may offer temporary relief for some, their effectiveness remains inconsistent and may not provide a guaranteed solution. However, the Laughing Onion is on the horizon, poised to revolutionize the culinary world by offering a proven and consistent solution to the age-old problem of onion-induced tears. Say goodbye to onion-induced tears and embrace the future of tear-free onion chopping with the Laughing Onion.

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